Building great portfolios is just the beginning…

Consilium's Investment Committee is a team of dedicated specialists who provide advisers with research, asset allocation and modelling tools necessary to deliver high quality investment advice. 

Strategic asset allocation

Academic and empirical evidence reinforce that the most reliable way of building investment portfolios to deliver an appropriate level of risk adjusted return is to focus on:

  • broad asset class and security diversification
  • minimising investment costs
  • tilting towards proven sources of higher long term expected returns

Consilium’s three yearly strategic asset allocation process considers these attributes, and more, to construct robust, evidence-based portfolios suitable for most investors.

Monitoring and review

All model portfolio assets are forensically monitored every quarter to ensure that recommended funds are delivering an appropriate level of return in the prevailing market environment. This requires a detailed analysis of investment returns and fundamental fund data, and culminates in detailed monitoring and performance reporting to partner firms.

Where our CEFEX approved monitoring process flags any matter for further investigation, we undertake a fully documented, enhanced due diligence investigation.


Investment tools and regular collateral

To support model portfolios, the Consilium investment team deliver an array of investment tools and regular written materials to partner firms to enhance their interactions with clients. 

This includes comprehensive quarterly benchmarking reports and talking points reports for advisers to deliver important market and returns information, as well as bespoke tools to promote greater client engagement efficiencies. In addition, we deliver client-ready materials such as detailed model portfolio fact sheets and firm branded quarterly newsletters incorporating market, investment and behavioural insights.     

Supporting our partners

The Consilium investment team produces and contributes to a wide range of content and services advisers can use.

Access to webinars and teleconferences

Periodic white papers and research reports

A high net worth second opinion service


An investment
help desk

Promoting adviser needs and concerns with fund managers

Annual CIC research and
due diligence yearbook

Investment portfolios

Consilium builds and maintains a range of model investment portfolios for investors working with partner firm advisers. This allows investors to be matched to an investment solution suitable to their specific risk capacity and investment preferences.

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